Sunday, July 5, 2015

Design Experiment 4


I am not sure I have understood wikis in general before now. If you Google a definition, a wiki is a website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users.  I need to add “a templated“ into this definition before website. I now understand each wiki has a different template which applies to various areas. 

I really like the format of PBWorks and its potential for distributing assignments to my students. PBWorks provides an opportunity for a course outline, assignments, and activity tracking. I love that it also allows you to add another writer to add to the course as well. Several other formats have been a problem for teachers in my school who are not self-contained.

Based on my specific student population (students with significant disabilities), I would be excited to provide specific videos which support my students’ learning. Each day we watch several videos, none of which apply to all students. Because my classroom is made up of students from 1st – 5th of various developmental levels, some students must watch videos about knowledge they already have and some must watch videos well above their current learning level. These videos range from the alphabet, to the sounds of the letters, to the parts of a sentence, to counting by 5.

This wiki would be a great way to distribute learning. I can give my students a number of ways to obtain the knowledge they need to obtain their goals, not just individualized per student, but giving them options of different videos per topic. This way, they could use one or all of the videos I assign to learn a topic. This format really excites me!